East Brook Junior High School Class of 1971 Graduation Photo
The Class of 1971, now 50 years after our 9th grade graduation, moved up to high school for sophomore year. Our junior year, the new addition was nearing completion. (Images of how some of the construction looked will appear will be another Photo Op of the Month posting.) As it turns out, East Brook had this composite photo created, printed and given out to the class, but West Brook did not.
Below is the whole composite image as well as the four quadrants for a closer view. The high-resolution scan is available as a 20 Megabyte file upon request - click on this email link ParamusHighSchoolAlumni@gmail.com - the subject line is already filled in.
First, to my fellow classmates, and those of West Brook (sans photo), congratulations on making it this far. Second, we mourn the loss of 46 known classmates out of 602 graduates.
-Stan Cohen
Class of 1971, East Brook Junior High School
Class of 1974, Paramus High School
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