Since taking up the reins in place of Ken Tashian in May of 2021, I have been on a quest to get a quality graphic of Sammy the Spartan. I queried Principal Kiem, and various administrators and faculty. I received the same low resolution images I had already found online, or in Ken's files, or answers of "that's all we have." There was nothing worthy of "going to print" with or for use for publicity, promotions, merchandise, etc.
For this year's Academic and Scholarship Awards assembly in June I wanted to have a visible presence for the Alumni Association in the form of a pullup banner to display by the auditorium entrance. For this graphic design project I needed a quality Sammy graphic. None existed. A recent hire, Mrs. Tara Hopfenspirger, was tasked with updating the brand of the entire Paramus School District. Oh, good, finally someone who understands branding and might be able to get me a quality graphic. Unfortunately, she also had no idea of where one was to be found. So I continued on the project to find one. I researched yearbooks, student handbooks, Google images, Kenny's online image database and his old Windows 7 laptop, and even wandered around the areas that I could at PHS taking pictures. I queried a few alumni including Lucille Yokell, Class of 1960, and Carolyn Reichert McIlveen, Class of 1963, as to what they knew during the early foundation of the high school standards. Helpful, but still nothing of a good-looking Sammy.
Based on my findings and available source materials, I concluded that a digital version had to be created. I sketched out a rough idea of what Sammy should really look like and not the incarnation found on the wall outside the auditorium. With the graphic illustration talent of my wife, Liz, we refined Sammy into a digital format worthy of reproduction at any size, from business card to wall mural. We didn't track the time, or the push and pull of shapes, lively discussions as to how Sammy should really look, but we reached the point of let's get this done so I can use it on the banner, get it printed and ready for the Awards and Scholarship night. See the image below.
Based on my interactions with Mrs. Hopfenspirger, I offered to provide our digital Sammy to the district for their adoption and usage in whatever way they see fit. The offer was accepted. With the above letter from Mrs. Hopfenspirger, and the Paramus School District adoption, I will most emphatically say, Mission Accomplished - not only is Sammy back, but he has never looked better. What Ken Tashian started as a "Bring Back Sammy" campaign in 2009, reached a pivotal turning point in the fall of 2014, and now ten years later, Sammy has been given a rejuvenated life for generations of Spartans to come. If only Ken could see how far we have come in his absence.
Here's a very abbreviated backstory to Sammy and Ken's quest:
I started to put together a history of Ken's shocking discovery at the Class of 1964's 45th Reunion, that Sammy was replaced. The history is deep, involved multiple personnel changes in the Paramus School District, lots of controversy with years of frustration, and 3,000 or more alumni supporters of Ken's "Bring Back Sammy" campaign. In 2014, Ken finally had someone who recognized his passion and commitment, Mr. Raymond Kiem, the newly-hired Principal. Principal Kiem took immediate action and brought Sammy back into visibility. I started compiling the history of Ken's journey, going through many emails and letters, but it got too involved and complex, and I will leave that for another day. But, that is the essence of it.
Here is one of many variations of how Sammy will be available for use:
The Paramus High School Alumni Association will maintain its own library of Sammy the Spartan graphics for all alumni-related activities and uses. Please inquire as the need arises.
Here is the banner that was displayed in the lobby at PHS:
If you would like to express your appreciation to the Paramus School District for restoring Sammy the Spartan's stature in the Paramus High School's brand library, here are the two individuals responsible for this action.
Mrs. Tara Hopfenspirger
Director of Community Relations
Mr. Sean Adams
Superintendent of Schools
For those of you who made it this far, here is a before and after comparison:
And, finally, I'll say that is quite enough for one day. Let me know your thoughts, inquiring minds want to know.
Be well, stay well.
Stan Cohen, Class of '74
President, Paramus High School Alumni Association