Cynthia Hermann Paliotta, Class of 1970, provided the following scan of her class from Ridge Ranch Elementary School, Grade 3, from the school year 1960 to 1961. Identification below the image. If you can fill in the blanks, make corrections, etc. please notify me. What you see here is a lores version. A higher resolution image (1950 x 2500 pixels / 300ppi) is available for download - right click and save here.
Row 1: Cathy Gardner, Thomas Smith, Diane Germano
Row 2: Jo Anne Blundo, Marty Galinksy, Joan Godfried, David Hammett, Susan Blomstrand, Steven Goitz
Row 3: Diane Landau, Steven Lavitan, Debi Ebel, Thomas Mojsl
Row 4: Antoinette Catanzaro, ?, Gail Geschine, Byron VanBuskirk, Corinne Fragala, Jonathan Sickle
Row 5: Ricky Mittelberg, Barbara Ann Dorer, Gary Hansen, Debbie Weisenbaker, William or James Hayes
Row 6: ?, Cathy Delapa, Cynthia Hermann, Gail Reisenger