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Photo Op - Feb 2023

This month in basketball history. February 2, 1973 - 50 years ago
John Walsenza, Tom Durovsik, Gary Pappalardo, Stu Reiser, Mike Kloorfane, Mike Braverman, Paul Barnes, Ken Nahum, Steve Henderer, Rich Cooper (not in order).

Updated info follows courtesy of Lou Lanzalotto, Jr.

This was the first team to play in the “new gym.” John Walenza (2nd team all county), Gary Pappalardo, Steve Henderer, Tom Durovsick, and Rich Cooper were the starting 5 with Stu Reiser being the 6th man. This was the last Varsity hoop team to win a NNJIL title.

[Photo courtesy of Stan Cohen, '74]


This month in baseball history, February 1973 - 50 years ago
A warm February day, 50 years ago. Coach Bostonian with girls and their baseballs in the air. Not sure how many volleys it took to hit the shutter release when the time was right.

[Photo courtesy of Stan Cohen, '74]

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